Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Baseball practice started for my son last week. We missed the first practice because we already had birthday related plans. Due to the iffy Chicagoland weather there’s indoor practice scheduled for each Monday this month from 4-5pm. I was not every happy about the start time because I work until at least 4pm but we figured my husband could go into work 1 ½ early so he can leave early and I would skip the gym and drop the little guy off at day care. I mean, it’s only for 4 Mondays! So today I’m getting ready to leave work and I get an email from the coach with a practice schedule for the rest of the month which includes….this Friday at noon because they have no school (my son is in daycare) and sporadic weeknights throughout the rest of the month with practice beginning at 3:30pm. Yes, 3:30! How the heck are we supposed to get him to practice that early? Are we the only family with two working parents? My husband says this is what happens when he’s not coaching but I disagree. Our son has played baseball, basketball, football, and soccer and he has NEVER had practice that started before 5pm! I have no idea how this season is going to pan out but it’s not off on the right foot!!

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