Monday, February 22, 2010

Over Sleeping

Sleep…how much sleep does one person need? For the first time in months, maybe years, I am sleeping well at night. I am literally falling asleep the second I hit the pillow and I’m not even moving until about 4am. The problem is that I should be getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym and I’m not. I’m staying in bed until almost six and then rushing to get out of the house and to work by seven. This is the latest I have ever slept in the morning. I’ve always been one of those people who are up by five and in bed by nine. Maybe that’s where the problem is though, I’m not going to bed at nine. I’m going to bed at ten or ten thirty because our son won’t go to sleep if we go in our bedroom. He wants us to stay up and we listen. I miss crawling in bed after I put him to sleep and waking up at 4:30. I know it might sound odd to miss it but I do. I used to look forward to my quiet, uncomplicated mornings where I’d get up, dress for the gym, prep dinner, and be out of the house by five. Then I’d get a good hour workout in and still make it to the office by 7:15. Now I’m sleeping in, rushing around like a mad woman, and completely skipping my workout because I don’t seem to make time in my day. How many days does it take to make something a habit?

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